
Friday 13 November 2015

Creating your Life

Within each of us is a seed of inspiration - that spark that can lead to a brilliant idea, creative project or new exciting proposition. It is often hidden beneath our everyday busy routine lives and never given the light of day to grow, or buried beneath layers of self-doubt, lack of confidence and fear. With encouragement it is possible to find this seed and give it the time and attention it needs to grow something beautiful, fruitful, worthwhile and significant in your life.

It is not possible to create from a place of avoidance of pain, for example moving away from a sense of lack or loneliness. To aim for something because of a desire to escape pain creates resistance and limitation rather than acceptance and expansion. It can sometimes be the catalyst for transformation, but to desire something that comes as an impulse, a passion, an excitement brings a sense of possibility and opens the way to potentiality. This potentiality grows into opportunities that fluidly present themselves. The motivation then comes from an inner spirit rather than an outer demand.

From my own passion for helping people to find this inner spark and grow it in the world, I am setting up a Women's Support Group in Totnes, Devon. This group will meet every fortnight to support one another to create what we wish for in life. We will use different techniques and individual and group exercises to identify inherent gifts and talents and strengthen and ground purpose and potential.

The aim of the group will be to:
  • Move beyond limiting beliefs and patterns that keep us entrained with lack or struggle.
  • Remove blocks that sabotage our success.
  • Change the way we think so we are consciously focusing on what it is we wish to create.
  • Create effective ways of taking steps towards our dreams.
  • Change 'failure' into 'experience' and learn and move on.
  • Expand our view of life and tap into inner guidance to support our new vision for 2016.
  • See each persons desires as real for them.
  • Use visualisations and meditations to support our new creations.
I am particularly drawn to working with women at this time as I feel that women's innate gifts are especially needed in our world. If you are drawn to take part in this ongoing group take a look at the 'Events' section on the right of this page and register your interest or phone me for a chat on 01647 441235.

Katheryn Hope

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